Pros and Cons of Sealing concrete Driveway Review

Pros and Cons of Sealing concrete Driveway

Although concrete does well if not sealed, applying a quality sealer to the concrete driveway prolongs its lifespan and keeps the slab looking good. There are different types of sealers in the market and knowing the difference between the Acrylic resin-based sealer, penetrating sealer, and epoxy or polyurethane sealer will enable you to choose the best sealer for your driveway.


1. Stain-resistant: The sealer seals all the pores and anything that stains will not get past the surface, thus no colored pigments left behind.

2. Enhance driveway appearance: There are different types of sealers with some which create a seamless and appealing appearance to your concrete driveway while others protect the design and patterns on the floor.

3. Moisture protection: Driveways are exposed to a lot of moisture and this can get absorbed in the concrete causing damage to the slab. Installing a sealer like epoxy will help repel moisture.

4. Long-lasting: Installing a sealer to the concrete makes it more resistant to any damages thus extending its lifespan. There will be a few repairs.

5. Easy to apply: It is very easy to apply the sealer with the DIY applicators. Making a concrete driveway is not a hard task. This is something that you can do by yourself provided that you have all the materials needed. Conversely, you can hire professional concrete contractors to do it for you.

6. Protects driveway from cracks: Constant care and maintenance of the driveway will enable you to reapply the sealer to areas that are fading away and also help you prevent cracks in the driveway.

7. Sun protection: The sun can damage the driveway just like it can damage your skin. This is because they cause oxidation which is responsible for deteriorating the driveway. Sealing the driveway with concrete helps to protect it from the UV rays that cause it again. These rays come with so much heat that can cause the driveway to become weak if it’s not sealed with concrete.

8. Easy maintenance: Seal coating your driveway makes it easy to clean. But without concrete sweeping with a broom becomes very difficult. this is an affordable way and a very good way to keep your home neat and beautiful.  Also, you can wash them easily without having to worry about water getting stuck in the cracks.

9. Appearance: When visitors come to your home, they have to pass through the driveway. So it should be visually appealing so that it creates a good first impression on your guests. if you have a worn-out driveway seal coating will make it appear smooth and clean.

10. Protects against contaminants:  Substances such as gas and oil that can eat the surface of the driveway can not erode the concrete. selecting makes a strong barrier that allows your driveway to last for many years in good condition. Besides, it is very resistant when it comes to contaminants such as gasoline. It also prevents chemicals from causing damage beneath your driveway by leaking through the cracks.


1. Slippery floor: A wide variety of sealers leave a shiny surface and create a seamless layer. This makes it more slippery especially when wet. Some contractors recommend adding a fine abrasive to the coating so as to create a non-skid surface.

2. Dangerous during application: Some sealers are made of harsh chemicals that are very dangerous to touch and inhale. Therefore, you need safety gear to apply the sealer.

3. Costly: If you want an environment-friendly sealer, you have to part away with a huge investment to get the best type of sealer. You also have to incur an added cost to apply the sealer due to the steps involved and the cost of maintenance. The initial cost is very high compared to the Maintenace costs. this is because you will need a lot of materials and maybe some help from the professionals.

4. Frequent maintenance: The sealers do fade more so if you have a high traffic driveway, therefore you have to reapply the sealer after a year or two to keep it protected and maintain its appearance. You also have to maintain a regular cleaning of the floor every few months.

5. Not suitable for new slabs: Sealers can only be applied to concrete floors that are more than a month old. A new concrete driveway is very vulnerable to damage.

6. Limited wear resistance: The sealers can’t provide 100% protection on concrete wear and spoilage from oil stains. Although the sealers protect the driveway against oil stains, some small parts can still stain. This is why reapplication has to be done after some time. Besides, there are some other poor-quality sealers that do not provide adequate protection. It is advisable for you to carry out some research before purchasing a given product.

7. Unsuitable for cold weather: The driveway concrete is not suitable for areas that experience very extreme cold temperatures. This is because cracks and frosts develop easily in such conditions hence increasing the costs of maintenance.

8. Takes longer to install: Installing a concrete driveway can be easy but it takes time. This is because you have to wait for a few days so that the concrete can dry up and become ready to use.

9. Cracks: In case the cracks appear on your concrete driveway, the whole compound will look messy or untidy.

10. Costly Maintenance: Maintenance such as cleaning or repainting is easy and cheap. Repairing concrete driveways can be very costly. Before applying this, it is important to consider the amount of money that you will be spending repairing your driveway.

11. Not environmentally friendly: The sealers are made using chemicals that can be harmful to the environment. These sealers enable the concrete to be stain-resistant and water repellant.